Digital Marketing: How To Boost Your Online Presence In 2023?
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With the use of online advertising, you may target relevant people who are interested in your website and engage in direct communication with potential clients utilizing search engine marketing to promote your services or products.
Let’s learn what are the main ranking factors and how to create an ad that attracts your potential customer’s attention.
1. SEM Ranking Factors
2. Create An Ad that hooks
In this section, we'll continue to talk about search engine marketing and explain exactly what makes good keywords. We will also highlight three factors that you should consider when choosing a keyword, namely relevance, number of visits, and competition.
We have already mentioned that search engine marketing allows you to pay every time someone clicks on your ad. So you have to make sure that every amount you pay is not in vain.
Let's go back to our Flower deliver example and assume that you own this business and have updated your website.
You will find that the cost of a keyword flower delivery in London is about $ 2 per click. By the way, the main word does not have to be a single word, but it can also be a phrase.
If you don't know how useful these clicks are for your business, you won't be able to tell if this keyword is good or not.
For example, if the average return on those clicks on your activity is $40, You may find that this keyword used is good. But if the average revenue per click on your activity is only one dollar. It is recommended, then, that you make some adjustments.
Thus, calculating the value of clicks on your ad helps you in evaluating the quality of keywords. But you can't measure the value generated by keywords before you start your media campaign, that might cause a problem, right?
How will you search for keywords before using them in your ad campaign? Here are some options :
First, you have to ask yourself which keywords are appropriate and do they describe your products and services well?
For example, suitability is the keyword that indicates someone is looking for a flower delivery service in London.
And for those that suggest that someone is looking for how to deliver flowers by themselves or how to use a flower delivery app are certainly less appropriate words.
This means that you have to focus only on the keywords that are relevant to your business in order to be successful.
Another factor that you have to take into consideration is to monitor the number of visits that the principal is likely to get.
In other words, you can make a list of the most relevant keywords, but what do you do if the right keyword is for you and no one is looking for it?
In this case, you have to start over, for example, think of the keyword « Flower store in London specializing in delivery services ».
This phrase describes your business well. But it is unlikely that one would use a keyword so detailed. Therefore, it is also unlikely that providing a price in this word would enable researchers to identify commercial activity.
On the other hand, a shorter keyword like flower delivery is more appropriate for your business. It may be useful to show it to researchers.
Keyword research tools can estimate the number of traffic to better deal with the topic. But in fact, you will have to err a little in order to determine the appropriate keywords that attract more visits.
Now you know how important relevancy and visits are to finding good keywords. So let's move on to another more important factor in determining the efficiency of your keywords, which is competition.
If the keyword is relevant and attracts a lot of traffic, your competitors are likely to use it as well.
This does not mean that you should ignore them, but you should search for keywords that combine relevance and attract traffic, and at the same time, the competition for them is relatively less.
So when you think about the keywords you want to put in your advertising campaigns, you have to remember relevance, potential traffic, and competition.
Do not forget that it is necessary to balance the three elements, but just thinking about them puts your advertising campaign on the right track.
So make sure to monitor your keywords well and then take the necessary actions or modifications that will lead you to more progress and success in the world of marketing through the search engine.
Have you noticed the similarity between most of the ads you see in the results of any search on the Internet? In this section, we'll help you highlight your business using ads that grab the user's attention and teach you how to write headlines that encourage them to click on your ad.
Let's start looking for a domain finder tool, doesn't the new title of the ad seem more relevant to the search?
You may first notice that there are a large number of domain finder tools on the Internet and that all the ads are randomly distributed in our search, they are not strong and do not offer anything special.
And do not forget that many of the free search results, i.e. the results that appear in the center of the page, compete with each other to attract your attention.
There is no doubt that your advertisement may easily be lost in this sea of results, hence the importance of creating a unique advertisement that distinguishes you from others. So how do you highlight your flags so that they stand out on a page in the search?
There are some simple guidelines that you can follow to turn your ad into an eye-catching sight.
LET’s start with relevancy.
Relevancy is the basis of the search engine marketing game, so try to formulate a title for your ad that matches as much as possible the words used by the researcher.
Do you remember the example of searching for a domain finder tool? If you want to make sure that your ad appears in the search results for these words, you should use them in the ad title to use a domain finder so that your ad reaches the users who search for these keywords.
There are other ways to distinguish your ad from others, such as presenting an exceptional offer, promotional or temporary offer at the right time.
You can attract the attention of the customers by offering discounts or special features that interest them. Let's look at the first line in your ad « Find Professional Email From A Domain ».
We can modify it to include a special offer. What do you think, like offering a discount of 30 percent on a paid subscription?
This offer looks great and gives the customer a clear reason to visit your website.
At the final stage of preparing the advertisement, you must urge the customer to take a specific action in your advertisement or in another form, You have to tell your visitors what you want them to do when they enter your site. Hence the importance of including specific instructions such as get to know us, and buy our book. Research indicates that users respond when instructed to take a specific action.
Therefore, it is necessary to include clear instructions in the second line of your ad so that the researcher knows exactly what to expect when clicking on your ad.
Let's say, for example, that you choose the phrase "Sign up now". The phrase is not bad, but it is not interesting to use another phrase that is more motivating, such as Check out our best features.
This phrase is much better, it tells the customer or suggests to him what he should do when he visits your website, and It supports the idea that you want to communicate to the customer It is that your business meets its needs because you have a wide variety of features.
Well, let's now go back to our original announcement and compare it to the revised version. Doesn't the new title of the ad seem more relevant to the search, as it informs the customer that there is an interesting offer? It urges him to take specific steps and it is likely that it will attract more customers to your website.
So what is the lesson from this lesson so far? We learned that some simple modifications help your ads stand out from others and give you an advanced position in the competition, so you should follow the following :
First, you have to formulate the title of your ad in line with the searches, then put a special or appropriate offer, and finally, you have to encourage customers to take a specific action.
These tips will help you improve the return of your ads on the search engine. Just remember that writing good ads is an ongoing process just like searching for keywords or monitoring your bid for each click on the ad.
You now understand the SEM ranking elements that you must take into account when designing a Google ad, also you have learned how to create an eye-catching ad that meets the needs of your target audience. I believe your advertising campaign is now ready to go. Best wishes.
Digital Marketing: How To Boost Your Online Presence In 2023?
Are you looking for ways to boost your presence online? We provide you here with 4 different ways to build a presence online. Check it out.
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