Comparison between Minelead and its competitors





You have surely heard about Minelead, this online email generation tool… Right ?


For people who don’t know; it’s a site that allows you to find email addresses all over the world. That is, if you are looking for customers for your business, investors for your project or just want to contact a company about something; helps you find their email address. That’s what this website is all about. has several competitors. That’s why, in this article, we propose you the main competitors of Minelead in order to show you what makes us different from them and to help you make the best choice!



Good to know:
In the age of technology, there are several websites that can generate a huge amount of email addresses. Today, a good number of websites offer such a service.

You can find (our site) but also,, Voilanorbert,, and the list is very long…
In this article, we will try to compare Minelead’s services with those of our main competitors. 




Minelead Competitors



  • Hunter


Here is a tool that allows you to generate – thanks to online directories – any email address of the company you are looking for.


We have more or less similar points with Hunter. However, we differ in a few points that we will try to detail below.


Hunter and Minelead provide databases of millions of online directories ; this is the main mission of both of them. However, this is not done in the same way.


Minelead differs from Hunter by the fact that it searches in real-time and on different sources. That said, with you are sure to find the address you need.


There is also the price criteria that must be taken into consideration. Indeed, Hunter proposes an offer with registration for 50 results/month. Then you will have to pay $50 for 1000 results and up to $400 for 50,000 results…


For Minelead, it doesn’t work the same way at all! We propose an offer with a number of 250 results without any registration. And, if you wish to have access to more than 250 results, all you have to do is register.


In short, for an offer with unlimited results, you only need to register on the site and that’s it. At this stage, you have to export the email list in Excel format and that’s it! The millions of emails will be yours.


YES, Minelead offers you unlimited results at no cost. Even better… at Minelead, we offer several options (Pro Account, Business Account…)


Therefore, is probably the best website that will help you in your email searches in a simple and inexpensive way. Do we agree?


Thanks to our unlimited and free offers, you will be able to familiarize yourself with this type of tool at no cost compared to other sites. It’s not bad, right?


With Minelead, you’ll do the email marketing campaign you’ve always dreamed of.









Il y a également l’outil Snov qui permet de retrouver la composition d’une adresse mail professionnelle et de générer ainsi les mails professionnels désirés.

Cependant, cet outil diffère de Minelead par les tarifications proposées. En effet, les tarifications sur le site varient selon les besoins.


Pour un accès à 1000 crédits, cela commence à 39 $ par mois. Un accès à 5000 crédits est disponible à 69 $ par mois. Et pour un nombre d’accès à 10 000 crédits, cela est disponible à 129 $ par mois.

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