B2C marketing: the essentials to get started



We were talking to you in a previous article about B2B marketing and its strategies, in this week’s articles we will take a look at B2C marketing. You will learn the main keys to get started and define a good sales strategy.




B2C Marketing: definition


B2C is the acronym for “Business to consumer”, so it is a set of techniques and methods aimed at particular consumers.


It is the general public marketing that is observed in the big posters. Whether in dedicated advertising spaces, on television or on websites. It is by definition therefore more visible, as opposed to B2B which is more discreet.




Main differences between B2C and B2B


There are some differences to consider when developing a B2C marketing strategy.


Marketing Content: B2C marketing will target a broad category of classes, that is, people with different socio-economic factors and needs. The content will have to be adapted to the greatest number, with an easy message and intended for a wide audience.


The buying decision: transactions in a B2C market are often more spontaneous and more impulsive. These are therefore short-term and singular events. Unlike a B2B market that will use more complex channels for sale.


The expectations and needs of the customer: the general public will base their purchase decision on more subjective markers such as the price, the image of the brand, the attachment to a particular eco-system, etc.


On the contrary, a consumer of a B2B market will base his decision on markers such as the quality of the service and the expertise offered by a brand.



B2C distribution channels :


There are several distribution channels to market and sell your products


  • First of all classic TV and magazine commercials.
  • Websites and mobile applications.
  • Market places style: Amazon, Facebook, eBay, etc.
  • Physical trades.
  • Phone calls.


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