How To Write A Follow Up Email After No Response




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According to research, sending just one follow-up email can boost reply rates from 9% to 13%. Additionally, sending additional follow-up emails triples the response rate. After the fifth follow-up, sales account for 50% of the total. However, salespeople often only put an effort to try twice to contact a lead.



Raising the importance of follow-up emails to the sales process, we'll explain how to deliver a follow-up email after getting no reply in this blog so you may finally close that client.




What is a Follow-up Email? 



In order to seal a deal, a series of emails known as a follow-up email are typically sent out following a crucial phase in the sales pipeline.




Emails sent as follow-ups are successful because they:




  • Assist in fostering gradual trust



  • Raising conversion rates



  • Narrow down your target who are interested in your offerings



  • A channel of potential connections



  • With each engagement, provide the client with value.



  • Raises the authority of your business






When to Follow Up After No Reply



After sending a message, it's important to wait for a few days before contacting again. This gives the recipient time to respond, and also lets you know whether they're interested in continuing the conversation.



However, you should wait no more than three days before getting in touch if you don't hear back.




It will be too lengthy if you waited a week. Additionally, you will come out as forcing if you submit a follow-up within the same day. Never write a separation email; instead, send three to four emails in your cycle. Keep the lines of communication open and bring up the subject later.



Depending on how many emails you intend to send, you should delay starting your email follow-up sequence for a few days after sending your first follow-up message.



fellow-up email sequence


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Now, let's discuss the ideal methods for delivering a follow-up email after that.



How to Write a Follow-Up Email After No Response




  1. Write an Honest Subject Line




Although you might be enticed, resist the urge to "alter" your headline to trick the reader. When you haven't followed up on any prior steps with the client, including subject lines like "Re: Our conversation days ago" or "Checking up on our telephone conversation" is dishonest and is never a good idea.



Learn more on how to write a cold email.



Avoid attempting to mislead a potential customer into viewing your messages and replying to them. Be sure to use motivating, succinct, and precise subject lines. Think of utilizing anything like:



  • ‘’Lead Generation Strategies We Use’’, this is a great option as it makes your potential client trust you while having an example on strategies that work for your business and can help them too. However, it is better not to show all your cards and always make the other side wonder and ask more.



  • ‘’Following-up after the last meeting‘’ This will actually work if you have already met your client whether it was in your office or online via zoom platform for example.



  • ‘’In case you missed my previous email’’ This is a great reminder showing your prospect that you have already sent them an email and they might not have the time to respond.




  1. Write a Brief Reminder Opening




By commencing your message with a mention of an earlier email or communication, you can try to trigger your prospect's memory. Even if the receiver is unable to recall your previous correspondence, they are more likely to respond favorably to the follow-up when they are made aware of this fact.




For that, consider giving brief, direct remarks that come off as approachable and eager to help. Trying to attract the potential customer and remind them of the call to action you provided them in your prior communication, your introduction should also be concise and to the point.



Here are a few instances:




  • "Hopefully you're doing fine. Regarding the [materials] I provided you days ago, have you had the opportunity to check them?



  • "I hope this week has been excellent for you. Were you able to review the proposal I submitted last week?



  • ‘’How is your week going so far ?  I just wanted to follow up on my last email, I have sent you a few tools to check, have you liked any of these ?’’




  1. Keep Your Email Context Short




There shouldn't be over than a few key points or lines in a follow-up email. Note that your client has already received your first email, so keep your content to no more than 2-3 short paragraphs. Your follow-up message should support the previous one rather than provide your recipient with too much details that will be difficult for them to answer.



Check out how to write a compelling cold email here.



Your follow-up email's content ought to:




  • Give the potential customer greater value.



  • Make it clear what the lead will gain by interacting with you in the future.



  • Make responding to your call to action (CTA) impossible to resist.



Based on the last point, Let's discuss calls-to-action next.




  1. Include a Call-to-Action




Never let a potential customer leave one of your messages without explaining what they should do next. You're more likely to succeed if you express your needs to them. Do you require a specific response from them? Give you more details about their business? Will they direct you to the appropriate person who can manage the offers?




You can change your CTA depending on your goal,  see the following examples :




  • If you're seeking to learn more, simply respond "yes," and I'll give you a few brief documents.



  • Are you the best person to discuss this with? Would you be able to direct me if I'm at the incorrect place?



  • Does Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. suit your schedule?





  1. Wrap up Your Email




Close your email in a manner that is comfortable for you and supportive of your previous contacts with the client.




This phase is pretty personal, so even though we offer a few examples here, you should close anyway you are most at ease.




  • If you need further details, please don't hesitate to contact me.



  • Talk soon?



  • Looking forward to your response.



  • Let me hear your thoughts!





Follow-up Emails Important Tips



Every time you don't hear back, adjust your close.




If you have to follow up another time and still don't receive a reply or hear back from them,then your call to action may just be ineffective.



It should become simpler for the potential customer to react without ignoring your messages if you try to use distinct call-to-action by slightly changing your purpose.



Don’t send a breakup email.




Stop emailing your leads if you've tested the above strategies. Leave, wait, and follow up after a few months.


Always Send a Follow-Up Email



Sales representatives put in a lot of effort, therefore getting email responses helps us feel accomplished. Even though we do not wish to generate quite so many follow-up letters, they are essential for moving the discussion toward a deal that is successfully sealed. Try a few of these strategies out in your follow-up approach and observe how they significantly impact your replies rates. Finally, make sure to learn how to create sales campaigns that could help you speed-up the sales process.


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